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The Inclusive Campus: Who's depending on your library?

The Inclusive Campus: Who's depending on your library?

Jun 2024

We ask students what their favourite place on campus is, and often they tell us it is their library.

So it was surprising to discover that globally, investment into physical library buildings on university campuses has been declining over the past 10-15 years. Libraries are instrumental in building community, and they are transforming into central co-working spaces serving the needs of students dropping in between classes, spending a day studying or meeting others. When supported by a network of quality informal study spaces, these are fundamental to build life on any campus.

As we move towards greater equity targets, library facilities will become even more important. Students often tell us that the library is a welcoming space where they can be alone but not alone. Students can find a calm or social space to suit their mood, needs and preferences. This research paper digs into our data to discover who uses the library and for what purpose.

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