Our 2024 CEI intake is open
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What is the CEI

The CEI consists of a standard set of questions prompting students for feedback to campusfacilities. Universities deploy the survey across their campus, or campuses. Students are invited torate campus elements as well as leave open feedback, a process which generates thousands ofcomments analysed to give rich and deep insight to a student’s micro-experiences over their day.

How the process works

We work with you to find the ideal time in the academic calendar to engage with students, andprovide marketing and support materials. Whilst we have set indicators we measure, you have theopportunity to add in some custom questions.

What you will receive

  • A comprehensive report benchmarking your campus to other institutions globally
  • Analysis of thousands of open-ended comments, providing you with unique insight to studentexperience across campus facilities
  • Clear identification of areas to invest capital
  • Evidence on which to base strategic decisions, such as faculties or student cohorts showingclear deficits in experience compared to others

Read more about the CEI process

  • STEP 1: Experience Evaluation

    The CEI combines quantiative scores with qualitative feedback from students across 10 elements of the campus. The scores allow us to identify performance defecits, whilst the qualitaitive data gives rich and deep insights into a student's micro-experiences over their day. Our software manages large volumes of student feedback and allows us to theme and present key issues to clients.

    The 10 elements of campus experience:

    • Journey and arrival to campus
    • Teaching and learning spaces
    • Library and informal study spaces
    • Social, relax and rejuvenate spaces
    • Wayfinding and accessibility
    • Information technology on campus
    • Community and belonging
    • Eating experience
    • Safety on campus
    • Optional: Student support service facilities, fitness and recreation facilities

    Clients use CEI across single or multiple campuses to benchmark, compare experience and develop targeted programs for improvement. It can be scaled from a whole campus down to a faculty, school or individual building.

    We design engagement programs to accompany the roll-out across your campus which include online evaluations, pop-up stands, journey-mapping and other innovative engagement methods. 

  • STEP 2: Gap Analysis and Benchmark

    We combine intelligence gathered from your campus, along with others we have worked with globally. Through this process we can understand how your campus performs for users and where to focus your energy.

    We help gain clarity across questions such as:

    • What influences where students go on campus?
    • What spaces motivate and inspire them?
    • What classrooms and lecture theatres make it better, or more difficult, to learn?
    • Why don’t they stay longer on campus?
    • What are the variations between different faculties or cohorts?

    A collection of articles and papers can be found on our website, which include insights from the data we collect through this process, along with other trends and research.

  • STEP 3: Develop Campus Uplift Strategy

    It’s not enough to collect the data, how do you implement it? What you don’t need is another dust-gathering report. Evidence based planning requires easy dissemination and integration of data into initiatives.

    We have collective experience working with universities globally. Every institution faces its own political and governance challenges. Along with a group of partners, we work with each institution to integrate findings into their planning, such as:

    • Develop campus activation programs
    • Student and staff experience objective and KPI development
    • Design guideline changes to encompass student experience 
    • Capital and operational project and spending allocation
    • Integration to organisational strategy
    • Estate strategy development
  • STEP 4: Check In

    Campus experience will change year to year. This can be influenced by elements within the institution's control (such as new hubs or buildings) and those outside control (such as changes to public transport and surrounding area developments). We have designed the process to be fluid so you can stay in touch with experience year on year. This enables performance and investment to be measured, and planning priorities to be adjusted.

Our 2024 CEI intake is open. Register your interest Register interest

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