University of Melbourne
Campus Intuition were engaged by the University of Melbourne to develop a clear understanding of the variation in experience students have across their campuses. Starting with Parkville, students provide detailed feedback across different elements of the campus including teaching spaces, informal study areas, libraries, eating venues, wayfinding, journey and arrival to campus, safety, belonging, IT, sports facilities and support services.
An online evaluation coupled with comprehensive experience mapping allowed for variations to be seen across buildings, faculties and cohorts. This data has been used to create place-based student experience objectives and design guidelines to ensure student experience is consistently addressed.
A component of this work included a detailed view of informal study spaces. This work enabled a clear understanding of what students seek in campus spaces, and what deters them from using existing areas.
Student-identified areas from this project have informed the campus uplift program and University of Melbourne student experience expectations, which have been embedded into the organisational strategy.
Read more on the case study here.