Campus Surveys – Summary of how we use your data


What are you being asked to complete?

The survey you are completing is a Campus Experience Index survey. We have been engaged by your university to provide insight into student experience on campus, and do so by circulating this is a set of questions to students. 

What data do we collect?

We may collect information such as your name, email address, contact number, faculty or school, degree, student type (postgraduate vs undergraduate) and gender. Depending on the institution, different personal data may be collected. There are also other free text boxes provided in the surveys. To the extent possible, you understand that disclosing data in these boxes is discretionary and that you have volunteered the personal data, including that which may disclose details of any health, disability, religious beliefs, political opinions, racial or ethnic origins or sexual orientation. To the extent possible, we encourage you to minimise any such data being disclosed. You must not send us information or content which is vulgar, offensive, or could otherwise reasonably be considered as detrimental to any other people. If we consider any such information or content you disclose to be inappropriate, we reserve the right to remove you from the project at our discretion.

How is my data used?

Your answers will at all times remain anonymous save to the extent that you disclose personal data or information which means that we can identify you, we require your information in order to provide the same information to the university in order to remunerate you, or you provide your details for the purpose of a prize draw, for example. Once the winner (and any other relevant participants have been selected) and/or the project has been completed with the university, the personal data we hold about you is deleted. Where you have entered into a prize draw and completed a survey, your details will not be linked to your survey responses.

The remaining anonymous answers to the questions, and opinions on your campus, are kept on file by Campus Intuition and your university. Once we have collected your data, it is used in a few ways:

  • Findings are analysed and results sent in a report to your university, recommending projects to improve student experience on campus.
  • Findings are entered into our global Campus Experience Index to benchmark against other campuses. Universities are not identified by name in the benchmark. 
  • The benchmark and other de-identified feedback are used in presentations at your university and externally at other universities, conferences and events. Findings are also used in reports and articles we publish, and other online and print material.

We ask for your opinions and suggestions in the survey. Each individual comment is read and analysed for themes so that we are able to help the University identify campus improvements. Some individual (anonymous) quotes are included in the reporting, presentations and publications to help communicate the student voice on topics. Non-identifying factors such as 'undergraduate student' may be included with these quotes. We will never include a factor which could identify an individual. 

Demographic details (such as whether you are undergraduate or postgraduate, gender, school or faculty, student accommodation hall, campus location etc) are collected to help us understand variations in campus experience between different cohorts (such as faculty variations across teaching space). Findings are reported to the University across these segments, in an aggregated and anonymised way to identify equity issues. 


What else do you need to know?

The data collected is stored and analysed with a number of third party analysis tools including Qualtrics, Survey Monkey, Online Surveys (JISC) and Atlas.ti. Your data will, at all times be processed in accordance with our privacy policy, found here

If you have any questions please contact the Data Privacy Officer, Dr Samantha Hall,