Experience Mapping – Summary of how we use your data


What are you being asked to complete?

We have been engaged by your university to provide insight into student experience on campus or in residential halls (the “project”). You are submitting a series of photos and opinions about your campus to Campus Intuition as part of this project.


What data do we collect?

We collect your personal details in a registration form as part of the on-boarding process, including your name, email address, faculty or school, whether you are undergraduate, postgraduate, home (domestic) or international student, if you have a physical or non-physical disability and how long you have been at the university.

Whilst you may send us photos that identify you, or other people, we ask that you avoid capturing other individuals in these photos insofar as possible, and in any event only send us appropriate photos (i.e. do not send us photos which are vulgar, offensive, or could otherwise reasonably be considered as detrimental to any other people contained in the photos). If we use these photos in any material as part of the project or otherwise, we blur the images to ensure individuals cannot be identified. If we consider any photos or other content you disclose to be inappropriate, we reserve the right to remove you from the project at our discretion


What do we use the data for?

The data is used in a few ways:

  • Photos and opinions are analysed and some are sent in a report to your university, recommending projects to improve student experience on campus. Any opinions that are provided shall be anonymised or the personal reduced so that you will not be identifiable. 
  • Photos and comments are used in presentations at your university and externally at other universities, conferences, events, reports, blogs and other online and print material.

How do we process the data and who do we share your data with? 
We use a number of platforms through this process to contact you, collect and store the photos and opinions. These platforms include, amongst others:

  • Survey Monkey (for registration and payment detail collection)
  • Essendex and WhatsApp (for communicating)
  • Evernote (for de-identified data storage) Your answers are anonymous.

We keep your personal details on file for the period of the project, and then delete these records on completion. We may share your details with other parties within our group (such as Campus Intuition Pty Ltd and Campus Intuition Ltd), and separately, the university to facilitate remuneration to you for your work on the project.

When we transfer the data out of WhatsApp we remove your phone number and full name.

Your data will, at all times be processed in accordance with our privacy policy, found here

If you have any questions please contact the Data Privacy Officer, Dr Samantha Hall, sam@campusintuition.com